Approved by the Board-of-Directors

September 19, 2001















Ad Hoc Committee for Revision of the Constitution and By-Laws:


Charles H. Shultz, Chairman

Reginald P. Briggs

Edward C. Girard

Judy E. Neelan





Section 1. The name of this Not-for-Profit Corporation is the PITTSBURGH GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY, INC., hereafter, the Society.


Section 2. The purpose of this scientific Society is to stimulate geologic thought, to advance and disseminate geologic knowledge, and to provide a forum for geologic problems in the service of humankind.



Section 1. The Society shall consist of the following classes of membership:


(a)    MEMBER - Any person who by education, experience, or interest, who supports the purpose of the Society, is be eligible to be a member.


(b)   HONORARY MEMBER – A member, recommended by the Awards Committee and approved by the Board of Directors, who has been actively involved with the Society for a substantial number of years.


(c)    CORPORATE MEMBER – any corporation or organization whose activities and interests concern earth and environmental science and the advancement of the purpose of the Society. A Corporate Member may designate one (1) representative who will have all rights and privileges of a member.


(d)   STUDENT MEMBER – Any full-time undergraduate or graduate college student who supports the purpose of the Society is eligible to be a Student Member.


Section 2. Members, Honorary Members, and representatives of Corporate Members, in good standing, shall be eligible to hold office and vote. Student Members shall enjoy all privileges of the Society except they shall not hold office or vote.


Section 3. The Board of Directors from time to time shall establish the amount of dues for all classes of membership. Dues are waived for Honorary Members. Dues are payable on or before October 1 of each year. Any member who fails to pay dues by December 31 of that year shall be declared in arrears and so notified. Any person who joins the Society as a new member and pays annual dues on or after April 1 shall be considered paid in full for the following fiscal year beginning September 1.


Section 4. For admission to the Society, each candidate shall submit to the Chairman of the Membership Committee, a formal application in the form prescribed by the Board of Directors. The application, with dues, is to be endorsed by two members in good standing and submitted to the Board of Directors for their approval.



Section 1. The Society shall conduct monthly membership meetings except during June, July, and August. The May meeting of the Society shall include the election of officers and three directors-at-large. At the May meeting, or any other meeting of the Society, in which the members shall be transacting business, fifteen (15) voting members actually present shall constitute a quorum.


Section 2. The President shall preside over meetings of the membership and Board of Directors. This duty shall be performed by the Vice-President in the President’s absence. In case both the President and Vice-President cannot attend, the replacement presiding officer shall be in the following order: immediate past President, Secretary, and Treasurer.


Section 3. The September meeting shall be designated as the Walter R. (Dick) Wagner, Jr. Memorial Meeting and shall be devoted to Appalachian geology of Pennsylvania and adjacent states.


Section 4. All meetings shall be held at such time and place as the Board of Directors shall determine. The President or Board of Directors may call special meetings of the Society at any time. Special meetings may be held in lieu of, or in addition to, regular meetings.


Section 5. Regular or special meetings may be held jointly with other societies or associations at the discretion of the Board of Directors when such meetings will further the purpose of the Society.


Section 6. Meetings of the Board of Directors are open to the membership.



Section 1. The officers of the Society shall be a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary and a Treasurer, who shall be elected for one-year terms at the May meeting of the membership. It shall be the responsibility of each of the officers to read, understand, and follow the constitution of the Society.


Officers may succeed themselves, if nominated and elected.  Officers are limited to three consecutive 1-year terms in any one office. Succession is particularly desirable for the offices of Treasurer and Secretary.


Officers shall follow guidelines and procedures as approved by the Board of Directors.


The Board of Directors shall fill any vacancy in any of the offices except for the Presidency which shall be filled by the Vice-President. A majority of the Board of Directors is required for appointment.


Newly elected officers and directors shall take office at a Changeover Meeting of outgoing and incoming officers and directors in June of each year, except that the Treasurer’s term shall coincide with the Society’s fiscal year, September 1 to August 31.


Section 2. The President shall:

(a)    preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors and of the membership;

(b)   have the general and active management of the business of the Society

during the summer recess of the Board of Directors;

(c)    see that all orders and resolutions of the Board of Directors are carried out;

(d)   have the general supervision and direction of all officers of the Society;


(e)    submit a report of the operations of the Society to the Board of Directors at the

completion of the President’s term;

(f)     be an ex-officio member of all committees.


Section 3. The Vice-President shall:

(a)    be vested with all of the powers and shall perform all of the duties of the

President should that office become vacant or in the President’s absence;

(b)   have such duties as may from time to time be determined by the Board of

Directors. It is traditional for the Vice-President to act as Chairman of the

Program Committee, but it is not a requirement.


Section 4. The Secretary shall:

(a)    prepare and keep proper books and records pertaining to the office;

(b)   keep minutes of all Board meetings and present a written report at the monthly      Board meetings;

(c)    notify all applicants, in writing, of their acceptance for membership;


Section 5. The Treasurer shall:

(a)    account for all funds belonging to the Society;

(b)   insure that all funds are deposited to the credit of the Society to be paid out only

by checks signed in such manner as may be determined by the Board;

(c)    insure that all non-routine expenditures are approved by the Board;

(d)   prepare a written report for each monthly Board of Director’s meeting;

(e)    make a complete and accurate written report of the finances of the Society to the

Board and the membership as soon as possible after the close of the

fiscal year;

(f)     make the financial records available to the members of the Board;

(g)    furnish no bond unless the Board of Directors otherwise directs.




Section 1.  Business, property and affairs of the Society shall be managed and controlled by a Board of Directors. The Board is composed of the following members: 

(a)    Immediate Past President of the Society; 

(b)   Four elected officers of the Society (President, Vice-President, Treasurer,


(c)    Six directors-at-large, elected from the membership, for two-year terms in a

staggered fashion so that three directors are elected each year. The term

limit for this position is three consecutive two-year terms;


(d)   Newsletter Editor who shall be selected by and serve at the discretion

of the Board of Directors;

(e)    One or two Counselors who shall serve at the discretion of the Board of

Directors. A Counselor shall have a long record of service to the Society

and have a principal function of offering advice to the Board of Directors.


Section 2.  The Board of Directors shall hold a Changeover Meeting in June of each year and shall hold other regular meetings at such time and place as they may determine, or at the call of the President.



Section 3. The Board of Directors may appoint new members to fill vacancies in its own body. A majority of the Board of Directors is required for this appointment.


Section 4. At all meetings of the Board of Directors, seven (7) directors in good standing shall constitute a quorum.


Section 5. The entire Board of Directors shall vote on constitutional or policy issues. These issues shall require a majority of the vote to pass. The issue to be voted upon shall be announced and explained to the Board in advance. Any proxy vote(s) shall be sent to the President not less than 24 hours in advance of the Board vote.


In matters requiring an immediate vote by the Board, but a formal meeting is impractical, the President may designate the use of alternate means of communication such as email or telephone.


Section 6. Members of the Board of Directors shall receive no compensation for their service except for reimbursement for authorized expenses.


Section 7. An officer or director may be removed from the Board by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.



Section 1. The Nominating and Elections Committee shall produce a slate of candidates for Board approval at the March Board of Directors’ meeting.


Section 2. The Board will instruct the Newsletter Editor to publish this slate of candidates in the April newsletter and also to solicit other nominations from the general membership.


Section 3. At the April meeting, the President will orally solicit further nominations and then declare the nominations closed.


Section 4. If there are no other nominations for officers or directors-at-large, other than the slate proposed by the Nominating Committee and approved by the Board, then the seven candidates shall be declared winners by acclamation and so announced by the President at the May meeting.


Section 5. If there are additional candidates proposed by the end of the April meeting and closure of nominations, the Secretary will construct a ballot listing positions and all nominees. The Newsletter Editor will include this ballot in the May newsletter with instructions to the membership to either bring the completed ballot with them to the May meeting or to mail it promptly so that it arrives before the meeting. Ballots will be made available at the May meeting.


Section 6. At the May meeting, the President will appoint two board members, who are not up for election, to compile the ballots on hand. The winners will be those who receive a majority of ballot votes cast. The President will announce the results of the election before the start of the May presentation.





Section 1. Selection and staffing of Committees:


(a)    The Board of Directors will select a chairperson for each standing committee at the Changeover Meeting in June. The chairpersons in turn, with Board approval, will select one or more committee members. Chairpersons and committee members may be drawn from the membership at large, especially if an individual has expressed an interest in serving. Such interest to serve shall be solicited from the membership in the May newsletter and at the May membership meeting. The Board may establish ad hoc committees from time to time as the need arises.


(b)   Chairpersons of committees and other posts shall follow guidelines and procedures as approved by the Board of Directors.


(c)    Chairpersons of all committees shall prepare a written report that summarizes activities for the year for presentation, by the President, at the June Changeover Meeting. These annual reports will be included in individual committee dossiers that will be passed along to future chairpersons for their guidance.


Section 2. Standing Committees include the following:


(a)   Nominating and Elections Committee – The duty of this committee is to develop a slate of candidates for four officers and three directors-at-large annually. This slate is to be presented to the Board of Directors for their approval at the March meeting. This committee is responsible for insuring the proper execution of election procedures.


(b)   Program Committee – It is customary, but not a requirement, that the chairperson of this committee be the Vice-President. The duties of this committee shall be to plan, organize, and carry out, with approval of the Board of Directors, all meetings of the Society. This committee shall also arrange for, develop, and promote the annual field trip. A completed tentative program for all nine regular meetings of the Society shall be submitted, at the latest, by the December meeting.


(c)   Membership Committee – In addition to promoting membership in the Society, duties of the Membership Committee shall include maintaining a database of all current members, processing membership applications, notifying members who are in arrears in their dues, and responding to questions about membership.


(d)   Communications Committee –The duties of this committee shall deal with all matters involving public information, education, public relations, and publications. This committee shall, with Board approval, engage in activities that (1) promote geology and related sciences, (2) provide information about PGS and the profession, and (3) act as a resource for the general public.






(e)   Awards Committee – The duties of this committee shall be to (1) implement criteria and procedures for all awards and honors given by the Society, (2) recommend awards and honors given by other organizations with which our Society is affiliated, and (3) provide information for special awards and honors bestowed upon the Society.


Two special awards and honors bestowed upon the membership of the Society, the Walt Skinner Award and Honorary Membership within the Society, are subject to Board approval. They shall be given annually if suitable nominees exist but may be omitted if no person has been deemed deserving and eligible. The Walt Skinner Award shall be presented during the December meeting when the President shall describe the merits of the recipient. Honorary Membership may be conferred at any time.


(f)     Audit Committee – The duties of this committee are to examine the fiscal records of the Society and their management annually, and provide a written report to the Board of Directors at their December meeting or before if possible. The committee shall be composed of a chairman, the past Treasurer, and such others as are required.


Section 3. The Newsletter Editor shall produce, in a timely fashion, nine monthly newsletters, one for each month of the program year. The newsletter shall announce each forthcoming meeting and contain an abstract of the presentation. The newsletter shall also include a listing of board members, a listing of Corporate Members, and any appropriate material supplied from the membership or Board of Directors.


Section 4. The Historian shall be selected by the Board and serve at its discretion. The Historian shall have access to all Society files and provide historical perspective or information to the Board upon request.



This Society may be dissolved by a vote of the majority of all of the members of the Board of Directors at a meeting duly called and held for that purpose. In the event of the dissolution of this Society, any assets remaining after the payment of all debts, expenses and charges shall be distributed by the Board of Directors in furtherance of the purposes of this organization to one or more Not-for-Profit charitable or educational organizations, and none of the assets of the Society shall be paid to or inure to the benefit of any member.



The Society shall indemnify every present and former director or officer, their heirs, executors and administrators against expenses and liabilities reasonably incurred by them in connection with any action, suit or proceeding to which they may be made a party by reason of their being or having been a director or officer of this Society, or of any other Society or organization, in which capacity they were serving at the request of the Society, except in relation to matters as to which they shall be finally adjudged in such action, suit or proceeding to be liable for gross negligence or willful misconduct; in the event of a settlement, indemnification shall be provided only in connection with such matters covered by the settlement, as to which the organization is advised by the counsel that the person to be indemnified did not commit such a breach of duty.  The foregoing right of indemnification shall not be exclusive of any other right to which any such officer or director may be entitled.



This Constitution and By-laws may be altered, amended, or repealed by a vote of the majority of the members of the Board of Directors.



Roberts Rules of Order shall govern in all questions not covered by the Constitution and By-Laws.



The seal of the Society shall be a circular seal in the form impressed hereon. The Secretary shall keep the seal and impress the seal as needed. The Board shall designate a Keeper of the Seal.